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    Bvvhumt937 1 month ago

    BONUS!!! GoShiken C-ABAPD-2309ダンプの一部を無料でダウンロード:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TjDd71nu2QPDgIfZD1O5UWYg6BAcro_d



    >> C-ABAPD-2309日本語認定対策 <<

    C-ABAPD-2309日本語版と英語版 & C-ABAPD-2309日本語版復習資料

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    SAP C-ABAPD-2309 認定試験の出題範囲:

    トピック 出題範囲
    トピック 1
    • オブジェクト指向設計: カプセル化、アップキャスト、継承、ポリモーフィズム、およびインターフェースに関する知識を測定します。さらに、このトピックでは、コンストラクター呼び出し、例外クラス、およびシングルトン パターンに関する知識も評価します。
    トピック 2
    • ABAP RESTful アプリケーション プログラミング モデル: このトピックでは、ABAP RESTful アプリケーション プログラミング モデル、ABAP 開発、および ABAP RESTful アプリケーション プログラミング モデルのアーキテクチャについて説明します。
    トピック 3
    • コア ABAP プログラミング: このトピックでは、ABAP データ型、ABAP ディクショナリ、モジュール化、例外、論理式、演算子の優先順位について説明します。


    SAP Certified Associate - Back-End Developer - ABAP Cloud 認定 C-ABAPD-2309 試験問題 (Q51-Q56):

    質問 # 51
    When processing an internal table with the statement LOOP AT itab... ENDLOOP, what system variable contains the current row number?

    • A. sy-index
    • B. sy-tabix
    • C. sy-linno
    • D. sy-subrc


    When processing an internal table with the statement LOOP AT itab... ENDLOOP, the system variable that contains the current row number is sy-tabix. The sy-tabix variable is a predefined field of the system structure sy that holds the index or the row number of the current line in an internal table loop. The sy-tabix variable is initialized with the value 1 for the first loop pass and is incremented by 1 for each subsequent loop pass. The sy-tabix variable can be used to access or modify the current line of the internal table using the index access12.
    References: 1: LOOP AT itab - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: System Fields - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help


    質問 # 52
    After you created a database table in the RESTful Application Programming model, what do you create next?

    • A. A projection view
    • B. A service definition
    • C. A metadata extension
    • D. A data model view


    After you created a database table in the RESTful Application Programming model (RAP), the next step is to create a projection view on the database table. A projection view is a CDS artefact that defines a view on one or more data sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A projection view can select, rename, or aggregate the fields of the data sources, but it cannot change the properties of the fields, such as whether they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are inherited from the data sources or the behaviour definitions of the business objects12. For example:
    The following code snippet defines a projection view ZI_AGENCY on the database table
    define view ZI_AGENCY as select from /dmo/agency { key agency_id, agency_name, street, city, region, postal_code, country, phone_number, url } The projection view is used to expose the data of the database table to the service definition, which is the next step in the RAP. The service definition is a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the binding of a service.
    A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or more business objects as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties of the fields of a service, such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable12. For example:
    The following code snippet defines a service definition ZI_AGENCY_SRV that exposes the projection view ZI_AGENCY as an OData service:
    define service ZI_AGENCY_SRV { expose ZI_AGENCY as Agency; }
    You cannot do any of the following:
    A). A metadata extension: A metadata extension is a CDS artefact that defines additional annotations for a CDS entity, such as a business object, a service, or a projection view. A metadata extension can specify the properties of the fields of a CDS entity for UI or analytical purposes, such as whether they are visible, editable, or hidden. However, a metadata extension is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not required to expose the data of the database table to the service definition. A metadata extension can be created later to customize the UI or analytical application that uses the service12.
    C). A data model view: A data model view is a CDS artefact that defines a view on one or more data sources, such as tables, views, or associations. A data model view can select, rename, or aggregate the fields of the data sources, and it can also change the properties of the fields, such as whether they are read-only or not. The properties of the fields are defined by the annotations or the behaviour definitions of the data model view. A data model view is used to define the data model of a business object, which is a CDS entity that represents a business entity or concept, such as a customer, an order, or a product.
    However, a data model view is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it is not required to expose the data of the database table to the service definition. A data model view can be created later to define a business object that uses the database table as a data source12.
    D). A service definition: A service definition is a CDS artefact that defines the interface and the binding of a service. A service is a CDS entity that exposes the data and the functionality of one or more business objects as OData, InA, or SQL services. A service definition can specify the properties of the fields of a service, such as whether they are filterable, sortable, or aggregatable. However, a service definition is not the next step after creating a database table in the RAP, as it requires a projection view or a data model view to expose the data of the database table. A service definition can be created after creating a projection view or a data model view on the database table12.
    References: 1: ABAP CDS - Data Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help 2: ABAP CDS - Service Definitions - ABAP Keyword Documentation - SAP Online Help


    質問 # 53
    In RESTful Application Programming, which EML statement retrieves an object?

    • A. Get entity
    • B. Find entity
    • C. Read entity
    • D. Select entity


    In RESTful Application Programming, the EML statement that retrieves an object is GET entity. The GET entity statement is used to read data of an entity instance from the database or the transaction buffer. The GET entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity key, and the entity elements to be retrieved. The GET entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The GET entity statement returns a single entity instance or raises an exception if no instance is found or multiple instances match the key.
    The other EML statements are not used to retrieve an object, but have different purposes and effects. These statements are:
    FIND entity: This statement is used to search for entity instances that match a given condition. The FIND entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the condition to be applied. The FIND entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The FIND entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the condition.
    SELECT entity: This statement is used to query data of entity instances from the database or the transaction buffer. The SELECT entity statement can specify the entity name, the entity elements to be returned, and the filter, order, and aggregation options to be applied. The SELECT entity statement can also use the IN LOCAL MODE addition to bypass the access control, authorization control, and feature control checks. The SELECT entity statement returns a table of entity instances or an empty table if no instances match the query.
    READ entity: This statement is not a valid EML statement, but an ABAP statement. The READ statement is used to access a single row of an internal table using the table index or the table key. The READ statement can also use the TRANSPORTING addition to specify which fields should be returned, and the INTO addition to specify the target variable. The READ statement returns a single row of the internal table or raises an exception if no row is found or multiple rows match the key.
    References: GET ENTITY - ABAP Keyword Documentation, FIND ENTITY, ENTITIES - ABAP Keyword Documentation, SELECT ENTITY, ENTITIES - ABAP Keyword Documentation, READ - ABAP Keyword Documentation


    質問 # 54
    Which of the following are parts of answers to this question.

    • A. Semantic table attributes
    • B. Field list
    • C. Extension
    • D. Partitioning attributes


    A CDS view is a data definition that defines a data structure and a data selection from one or more data sources. A CDS view consists of several parts, but two of them are:
    * Extension: An extension is an optional clause that allows a CDS view to extend another CDS view by adding new elements, annotations, or associations. The extension clause has the syntax EXTEND VIEW view_name WITH view_name. The first view_name is the name of the CDS view that is being extended, and the second view_name is the name of the CDS view that is doing the extension1.
    * Field list: A field list is a mandatory clause that specifies the elements of the CDS view. The field list has the syntax SELECT FROM data_source { element_list }. The data_source is the name of the data source that the CDS view selects data from, and the element_list is a comma-separated list of elements that the CDS view exposes. The elements can be fields of the data source, expressions, associations, or annotations2.
    The following example shows a CDS view that extends another CDS view and defines a field list:
    @AbapCatalog.sqlViewName: 'ZCDS_EXT' define view Z_CDS_Extension extend view Z_CDS_Base with Z_CDS_Extension as select from ztable { // field list key ztable.id as ID, ztable.name as Name, ztable.age as Age, // extension @Semantics.currencyCode: true ztable.currency as Currency } The other options are not parts of a CDS view, but rather related concepts:
    * Partitioning attributes: Partitioning attributes are attributes that are used to partition a table into smaller subsets of data. Partitioning attributes are defined in the ABAP Dictionary for transparent tables and can improve the performance and scalability of data access. Partitioning attributes are not part of the CDS view definition, but rather the underlying table definition3.
    * Semantic table attributes: Semantic table attributes are attributes that provide additional information about the meaning and usage of a table. Semantic table attributes are defined in the ABAP Dictionary for transparent tables and can be used to enhance the data modeling and consumption of the table. Semantic table attributes are not part of the CDS view definition, but rather the underlying table definition4.
    References: 1: Extending CDS Views | SAP Help Portal 2: SELECT List - ABAP Keyword Documentation 3:
    Partitioning Attributes - ABAP Keyword Documentation 4: Semantic Table Attributes - ABAP Keyword Documentation


    質問 # 55
    With Icl_super being superclass for Icl_subl and Icl_sub2 and with methods subl_methl and sub2_methl being subclass-specific methods of Id_subl or Icl_sub2, respectivel. What will happen when executing these casts?
    There are 2 correct answers to this question

    • A. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super). will not work. ] go sub2->sub2 meth 1(...). will work
    • B. go subl = CAST # go super), will not work
    • C. go_subl->subl_meth !(...)* w'll work.
    • D. go_sub2 = CAST # go super), will work. go_subl CAST #go_super), will work


    The following are the explanations for each statement:
    * A: This statement is correct. go_subl = CAST #(go_super) will not work. This is because go_subl is a data object of type REF TO cl_subl, which is a reference to the subclass cl_subl. go_super is a data object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference variable to another reference variable of a compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more general type to a more specific type, while an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a more general type. In this case, the CAST operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to go_subl, but this is not possible, as go_super is not pointing to an instance of cl_subl, but to an instance of cl_super. Therefore, the CAST operator will raise an exception CX_SY_MOVE_CAST_ERROR at runtime12
    * B: This statement is incorrect. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super) will work. go_subl = CAST #(go_super) will not work. This is because go_sub2 is a data object of type REF TO cl_sub2, which is a reference to the subclass cl_sub2. go_super is a data object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference variable to another reference variable of a compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more general type to a more specific type, while an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a more general type. In this case, the CAST operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to go_sub2, and this is possible, as go_super is pointing to an instance of cl_sub2, which is a subclass of cl_super.
    * Therefore, the CAST operator will assign the reference of go_super to go_sub2 without raising an exception. However, the CAST operator will not work for go_subl, as explained in statement A12
    * C: This statement is incorrect. go_sub2 = CAST #(go_super) will work. go_sub2->sub2_meth1(...) will not work. This is because go_sub2 is a data object of type REF TO cl_sub2, which is a reference to the subclass cl_sub2. go_super is a data object of type REF TO cl_super, which is a reference to the superclass cl_super. The CAST operator is used to perform a downcast or an upcast of a reference variable to another reference variable of a compatible type. A downcast is a conversion from a more general type to a more specific type, while an upcast is a conversion from a more specific type to a more general type. In this case, the CAST operator is trying to perform a downcast from go_super to go_sub2, and this is possible, as go_super is pointing to an instance of cl_sub2, which is a subclass of cl_super.
    Therefore, the CAST operator will assign the reference of go_super to go_sub2 without raising an exception. However, the method call go_sub2->sub2_meth1(...) will not work, as sub2_meth1 is a subclass-specific method of cl_sub2, which is not inherited by cl_super. Therefore, the method call will raise an exception CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_METHOD at runtime123
    * D: This statement is correct. go_subl->subl_meth1(...) will work. This is because go_subl is a data object of type REF TO cl_subl, which is a reference to the subclass cl_subl. subl_meth1 is a subclass-specific method of cl_subl, which is not inherited by cl_super. Therefore, the method call go_subl->subl_meth1(...) will work, as go_subl is pointing to an instance of cl_subl, which has the method subl_meth1123 References: NEW - ABAP Keyword Documentation, CAST - ABAP Keyword Documentation, Method Call - ABAP Keyword Documentation


    質問 # 56


    C-ABAPD-2309日本語版と英語版: https://www.goshiken.com/SAP/C-ABAPD-2309-mondaishu.html


    さらに、GoShiken C-ABAPD-2309ダンプの一部が現在無料で提供されています:https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TjDd71nu2QPDgIfZD1O5UWYg6BAcro_d

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